Our Story
This generation means business. Swiping left and right on an electronic device came as naturally to our daughter as holding a crayon.
Our daughter valued her independence and wanted to continue to explore, even as the months grew cold. That meant collecting leaves and acorns; digging for worms; taking photos of birds and trees.
She felt that her newfound dexterity was compromised with mittens, and we strongly disliked the knitted gloves that were available in her size. They looked mangy after a day in the park, and they weren't resilient enough for kids to wear.
What seemed like an easy quest for toddler gloves was anything but. So many gloves claim to be designed for toddlers but they were all too big. We were perplexed that so many big brands advertised gloves for toddlers, but it’s doubtful they were actually fitted on them.
Not one to accept defeat, I decided to utilize my background as a Womenswear Designer and design gloves specifically for small kids. At Sunny Concepts, kids are consulted, heard, and fitted.
It was time to get down to business.